Thursday, July 31, 2008

When I think about you...

Losing my senses...
In this loneliness...
Damn i miss your smiles...
Your tender lips...
And your naughty craziness...
I long for your embrace...
And the way your eyes gaze...
Whenever you hear my corny jokes...
The way you squeeze my hand...
When i'm feelin' down...
The way you make me laugh...
Not because of your witty remarks...
But with your serious reactions...
The way you piss me off...
And then make funny faces just to console me...
The way you say sorry...
Just hold my hand and i'm ok...
The way you always walked away...
After a "Word War"...
And i always run after...
For i'll never leave you no matter...
What happens to the world...
The star may come crashing to...
Us, but i will not falter...
And i'll always be at your side...
I won't promise...
I'll just prove it...

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