Sunday, September 7, 2008

You Stole My Heart...

You stole my heart 4 years ago...
And it is still with you...
Though i didn't do anything to take it back...
The truth is i love what you have done with it...
We've to been to a whirlwind of emotions...
Laughed and cried...
Petty squabbles...
But where still here...
Never backing down...
We maybe roughly standing with our feet...
But at least were not standing with our knees...
Cause we are survivors...
We love to break rules...
Negates conformity...
And most of all...
We love to kiss ass!
That's maybe why we are inseperable...
If God tells me now that its my destiny not to be with you...
Then watch me defy my destiny...
Cause no prophecy... Legend... or whatever... can take me away from you...
So just keep my heart with you...
And don't you dare give it back to me... ^_^

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